Sunday, 22 December 2013

Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories - Day 22 - Christmas Homecoming

This series of blog posts has been inspired by Geneabloggers Advent Calendar to share memories for others in the future.

I have travelled home from university to my parents house in years gone by at Christmas and as a child we sometimes travelled to my grandparents for Christmas. 

In 2004, I spent Christmas away from the family in Brazil which was hard but we had a Christmas Day planned phone call home to speak to everyone. 

My brother currently lived overseas with his young family and it would be lively to see them come home for Christmas although not this year, but I am sure they will in the future. I intend on Skype-ing my brother on Christmas Day to wish him a very merry Christmas. 

I miss my grandparents (who passed away 5 years ago) at Christmas and would so dearly love them to come home for Christmas. I remember a good many magical Christmas' with them when I was a child, those memories I store closely in my heart.

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