Wednesday, 28 August 2013

WDYTYA Review - Series 10 - Nick Hewer

Has to be said not my favourite episode, but that was probably because Ireland, politics and 17th century family history are not my interest areas.

I'm sure it would have interested those who have spent time researching some of their families from these periods and places.

Am disappointed that you focussed solely on two ancestors and did not go into the family history but created a documentary about early 20th century Irish politics and also 17th century politics, I want to see more depth about the families and how they lived and were affected by these politics and changes in society.

I want to see emotion and their fascination at what they are discovering as celebrities researching their family trees.

It was interesting to see how gentry and people were treated by the King and Parliament during the Civil War especially as I have recently been watching the BBC The White Queen drama. I would love to learn more about this era for my ancestors but I have much work to do before then!

The series started with some fab episodes, let's see some more good ones for the next few weeks...

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